Yogiraj Shri Vethathiri Maharishi after years of intense research has systematized a series of exercises that is suitable for all climates and all sections of the human community in the contemporary age.In the human physical system, the subtle life-force and the gross body are linked by three media: blood, heat and air. If the normal quantity and quality of these media and their circulation are adversely affected, the harmony between the body and life-force is disturbed and the result is pain.For maintaining good health one must guard against disturbances in the body, life-force and the three media of blood, heat and air.Neglect, improper or over-indulgence in food, sleep, work, sex and use of thought-force cause disturbance to the normal functioning of the body in various ways. Natural causes such as climatic changes, hereditary imprints and changes in the planetary configurations and radiation also can disturb the health and mind. It is not possible to change any of these natural forces, but we can always be cautious in our own actions and thus avoid harmful results, and practice regular exercise to maintain the required fitness.If spiritual development is to take place, the body must be free of diseases and pain to the maximum extent. Therefore, all spiritual aspirants are first and foremost advised to take up this system of physical health that would enable one to reap much more benefits in spiritual practices.The benefits of different stages of Simplified Physical Exercise are as follows
Hand Exercise
* Hands and shoulders are strengthened.* Arthritis, Numbness, Trembling of hands, pain in the joints etc. are reduced in a few days and cured with prolonged practice.* Improves the functioning of lungs.
Leg Exercises*
Legs are strengthened and flexible.* Blood circulation is regulated in the lower abdomen.* Curative and preventive for sciatica and arthritis in feet and legs.* Foot reflexology activates and benefits all the organs of the body.
Neuro-muscular breathing exercises*
Regulates the endocrine system and oxygenates the blood.* Ventilates the lungs fully, purifies the blood and increases vital energy.* Helps cure chronic headache, migraine, asthma, allergies and sinus conditions.
Eye Exercise
Helps correct and prevent defective eyesight by toning the muscles around the eyes.Prevents strain and other eye ailments.
Clears the congestion in the nasal passage.* Helps to cure sinusitis.
Regulates the endocrine system.Massages the abdominal organs gently – liver, spleen, intestines, kidneys, pancreas.* Reduces the excessive sugar in urine and blood* Reduces kidney stones.* Relieves menstrual discomfort.* Keeps the spine and spinal nerves flexible and healthy.* Strengthens the backbone and the spinal cord.* Removes unwanted flesh and strengthens the body.* Regulates the menstrual system.
Blockages due to short-circuit of electrical energy are removed.* A preventive for heart ailments.* Helpful in alleviating insomnia.
Refreshes and tones the sense organs, facial nerves and vital organs.
Removes tension and relaxes muscles all over the body.* Brings down blood pressure.* Removes recurrence of heart trouble.* Gives a wholesome rest to the entire system.
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