Karmas are actions done by the karmendriyas (limbs of the body) and gnanendriyas (sense organs). Every action one does, whether good or bad, disturbs the bio-magnetism of the doer or others. Such actions characterize the magnetic wave and are shrunk by the compressive force of Almighty to become one with the genetic centre. Such added characters become one's own character.
So, whatever the sin or virtue, one does, all are characterizing the genetic centre which is the condensation of one's own magnetism that enlivens and runs the body.
In this way, whatever one does by the limbs and senses, the enjoyment of pleasure and pain, and whatever one plans to do - all characterize one's genetic centre appropriately.
In this way, from the first living being throughout all the generations of the different species, through which humanity has evolved, the characterization of the genetic centre has continued without break. This accumulated character is working as sanjitha karma (hereditary karma) in the genetic centre. Praraptha karma is present life karma: the quality of such thought and action from whatever one has done during the lifetime.
The qualities of the two aspects of karmas, sanjitha and praraptha will induce the person to do new karmas and he has to enjoy or suffer from it. This action done out of combined sanjitha and praraptha karma is called aakamya karma. Aakamya means inducing the person to act and incur new karma.
The characteristic qualities which are potential in the genetic centre - which is other-wise called soul - need not be suffered or enjoyed for purification, because the genetic centre itself is nothing but characterized, intensified bio-magnetism situated in the centre of the body.
As such, all the qualities in the genetic centre can be changed or reformed by the mind without any need of physical action, if one realizes his own self and what is the nature of the genetic centre and its character. By changing one's mental concept, whatever the nature of one's sanjitha or praraptha karmas, one can neutralize the negative karmas by the development of knowledge in the spiritual field.
When one realizes the Truth about God, its transformation as universe and all about the living beings, he is capable of reforming all his unwanted qualities by spiritual understanding and practice. It is a longstanding wrong concept that human karmas must be neutralized only through suffering. As much as, he realizes the Truth, one is getting mental strength to change his bad karma accordingly.
The realization of self as the transformation of Almighty itself completely divinizes the mind which appropriately purifies the genetic centre (soul). When you help another person, the help you give is also part of that person's good karma.
This will be good karma for you also, because you are working to fulfill the order of Almighty as its messenger. Therefore, the age old concept that karmas can be purified or eradicated only through mental or physical suffering is to be changed; one should have only good thoughts and actions by mind and body. Then neutralization of all unwanted karma will take place in daily life, finally enabling one to absorb the self with Almighty.
This is Mukti or liberation of man.
This is the good spiritual news for all people of the world.
Be blessed by the Divine.
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